Refers to transnational collaboration among state, regional, and local authorities.

Its objective is the formation of large groups of European regions, which would contribute to strengthening the integration within the EU (by including both candidate members and non-candidate members in the process). B line also promotes sustainable and balanced development within the Union, both in the candidate and non-candidate countries.

Within Line B, 11 geographic areas have been singled out, including the CADSES area (Central, Adriatic, Danubian, and South Eastern Space), which includes 4 member countries of the EU (Austria, Greece, Italy, and Germany) and 14 non-member countries (among which is the Republic of Croatia).

General objectives of the INTERREG III B initiative are: development of a common strategy and planning projects within the limits of spatial development, social and economic cohesion, transportation system and computerization, promoting environmental protection, natural and cultural heritage, managing resources and risk prevention, development of partnership, coordinating the projects with the main guidelines for structural funds investments, coordinating projects with the basic instruments of the foreign policy of the EU.

The programme is primarily designed for those who deal with spatial development policies, especially in the following areas: regional planning; regional (development) policy; relevant spatial policies in the sector.

The participants have the possibility of participating either in the programme or at the project level. At the programme level, they participate in the development and the coordination of the policy of spatial development, while the project level is open for the participation of a whole series of legal or natural persons such as: national, regional, or local administrations, semi- state institutions such as regional development associations, innovative and development agencies, private companies, chambers and associations, non-governmental organizations in the relevant areas; international organizations and associations in the relevant areas.

The EU member countries finance programmes under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), national budgets, and private funds. Along with direct financial contributions, it is possible to participate in the project with in kind contributions. This is the so-called non-financial participation, which means that the partners do not have to provide for financial means for their participation. Instead, they can participate if they provide land, real estate, equipment, materials, or similar used for the needs of the project, or else, by offering their research/professional activity or voluntary unpaid work.

The first competition for the application of projects was open by 15 June 2002, and closed on 31 July 2002. There was a total of 88 applied projects in the first competition, 23 of which included the participation of project partners from Croatia. After the second evaluation circle performed by the Joint Technical Secretariat in Dresden, the Administrative Board chose 34 projects. Croatian partners participate in 12 of them.

The Istrian Region has been the partner in the INTERREG initiative since 2002. Out of six nominated projects, four were accepted in the first competition. We are intensely working on chosen projects of the transnational line B.