Projects from the first competition for INTERREG III B CADSES

1. L.O.T.O. - Landscape Opportunities for Territorial Organization

Leading partner: Region of Lombardy (Italy) - a total of 9 partners.

Financial share of the Istrian Region: 111.900 €  (in kind).

Project manager in the Istrian Region is Bruno Nefat.

Objective: development and improvement of the methodology and methods of protection, improvement and development of the landscape, and the promotion and presentation of networking the institutions authorized for landscape planning, as well as increasing the awareness and the sensitivity to landscape values.

2. CONSPACE - Common Strategy Network for Spatial Development and Implementation  

Leading partner: Region of Carinthia (Austria) - a total of 9 partners.

Financial share of the Istrian Region: 18.000 € (in kind).

Project manager in the Istrian Region is Latinka Janjanin.

Objective: creation of a common transnational development strategy for regions on the basis of shared experiences, which will indicate further improvement of standards of the regions and contribute to current more general political concept of establishing "Regions of the Future”.

3. I-LOG - (Industrial LOGistics) Logistic and Intermodal Transportation for Sustaining Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Development

Leading partner: Region of Marche (Italy) - a total of 23 partners.

Financial share of the Istrian Region: 96.270 € (in kind).

Project manager in the Istrian Region is Silvano Cukon.

Objective: the main threat to SME is a growing gap between international industrial centres and enterprise centres. Some of the main obstacles are problems resulting from a significant growth of the volume of transportation of goods and semi-finished products between the centres. With new instruments of computer technology, I-Log project should help transportation operators and SME in reducing transportation costs, which would strengthen the competitiveness of SME.

4. ADRI. FISH - Promotion of a Sustainable FISHery in Northern ADRIatic Sea

Leading partner: Region of Veneto (Italy) - a total of 6 partners.

Financial share of the Istrian Region: 130.701,61 €  (out of which 71.701,61 in kind).

Project coordinator: Milan Antolović.

Objective: improving the organization of fishing activities and the communication of SM enterprises, promotion of partnership among entrepreneurs and the innovation of communication technology. The project also contributes to social benefits, securing employment in the whole Adriatic area, and enables migrations by offering better business opportunities that could improve entrepreneursÂ’ living standard.